Code of Conduct

At FLAME Festival ("FLAME"), we strive to create a safe and supportive environment where we can all learn, share, and grow as flow artists and as a community of people.

The FLAME community is interested and invested in facilitating the development of a radically inclusive community, where each individual’s genuine expression is welcomed and encouraged, and differences and disagreements are treated as opportunities for growth and learning. We strive to foster mutual respect, consideration for how our words and actions may affect the people around us, and the understanding that even with the best intentions there are always things to learn about how to better treat ourselves, each other, and all the things around us. To uphold this mission we ask that all participants are aware of and agree to our Code of Conduct:

All participants will act in a way that is respectful of all other participants and their personal autonomy. This means acting with integrity, respect, dignity, and consent in their interactions with other participants at FLAME.

Utilizing consent means that interactions, physical and non physical, are mutually and freely agreed to by involved participants. Inebriated persons cannot give consent.

We require all participants to act in a manner that does not make other participants feel unsafe or threatened. This includes not discriminating based on race, sex, orientation, age, or disability.

What is Consent?

  • Consent is given with an enthusiastic yes.
  • Consent is freely given and revocable.
  • Consent is active, affirmative, and continuous permission.
  • Silence or passivity is NOT consent.
  • Sexual remarks, gestures, or physical contact in the absence of consent are not tolerated at FLAME.


  • Be friendly and welcoming.
    There are many participants at FLAME. To facilitate a positive experience for everyone please be considerate to everyone.
  • Be patient.
    People are here to learn and have fun. We all have different skill sets, backgrounds, and sometimes native languages.
  • Be respectful.
    Respect differences of opinion and differences between people.
  • Be responsible.
    Fire performance has inherent dangers. Please spin responsibly and take that attitude into your other actions at FLAME.


In particular, organizers would like to highlight that the following behaviours are considered unacceptable at FLAME:

  • Intimidation, harassment, abuse, discrimination, derogatory or demeaning conduct toward any participant.
  • Offensive, discriminatory or inappropriate comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, or religion.
  • Unwelcome sexual advances or interactions.
  • Intimidation, stalking/following, threats, or incitement of violence towards any individual or group.
  • Inappropriate social contact, such as continuing to make attempts to communicate with someone after they have indicated that they do not wish to speak to you.
  • Use of any item as a weapon with the intention to inflict harm.
  • Any other conduct which endangers the physical safety or bodily integrity of others.


Participants may report any incident in which another participant is behaving in an abusive, intimidating, threatening, or unsafe manner. All reports will be handled equitably regardless of who is involved or their role.

We have confidential advocates on site to assist in reporting and receiving complaints. If you have a consent violation or other concern you would like to report during the event, please find a staff member with a walkie talkie or go to the medical table, located in the lodge or by the fire circle, and a confidential advocate can assist you.

If you have a consent violation you would like to report at the event, please go to the nearest structure (Medical, Info Booth, DJ Booth, Fuel Depot, Teahouse, Gate, etc.) and ask the person on shift to call a Director or Ranger to speak to.  All staff members have radios.

If you have a consent violation you would like to report before or after the event, please send an email to We will respond within 24 hours of your report.

All reports made will remain confidential and anonymous as per the FLAME / FAI confidentiality policies. Law enforcement may be involved as per request of the reporter.

Warnings & Bans

FLAME & FAI may issue an official warning or ban if a prospective participant:

  • Has a pattern of violating the Code of Conduct or FLAME policies, endangering the event or its participants’ safety
  • Has any single well-substantiated report of a serious violation of FLAME policies
  • Continues engaging in harmful behavior after receiving a warning about such behavior

FLAME may also choose to issue a ban for reasons not covered in this policy.

Recording & Photography

At FLAME we respect photography as an art of self expression. However, we ask that consent is used when photographing others. Please refrain from using uncredited photographs in personal advertising. If a patron asks that you do not photograph them or that you delete a photo of them, please respect that person’s boundary.